Allison Creek is a local farm service provider owned and operated by Mike and Stacey McCoy. The Athens area company started in 2015 with a bad experience with Stacey’s 4 horse gooseneck trailer. When Stacey’s trailer needed maintenance, she hired a service tech from Atlanta to provide repair and general maintenance. The tech made the repairs and replaced parts needed, then he pointed out to Stacey that the paint on the frame was bubbling up and flaking off. (We now know this was a common problem on the year and model of the trailer.) The paint on the frame had started failing. After weighing their options, they cut out the entire frame, and fabricated and installed a brand new one. Soon, the farm started to offer trailer maintenance and repair as their horse friends heard about the repair and asked for help with their trailers.
Among a whole host of other services, they perform maintenance, repairs, and install upgrades on horse trailers. Their most popular horse trailer service is an Annual Safety Inspection. During the inspection, their mechanic will remove the wheels, re-pack the bearings with grease if needed, check brakes, axles, and all moving components around the wheels. They check the frame and floor, and look for missing rivets to ensure the trailer is structurally sound. The inspection goes on to check the trailer electrical system, hitch, and much more. It is a flat fee service ($200), parts are additional.
A knowledgeable and reputable mechanic will spend the time and energy to do the job correctly.
“We occasionally have trailers come in with what would have been a minor or easy repair that was covered up or incorrectly fixed. And the problem ballooned from a minor to dangerous. This most commonly happens with wiring issues. One recent example is a flooring issue. We all know that urine corrodes aluminum floors in trailers. This is why we include checking under mats in the Annual Safety Inspection.
A new customer brought their trailer in for a suspension job. They picked up the trailer and happily went on their way. A few weeks later, they were back because the flooring had developed a bow. A previous owner noticed the aluminum flooring was corroding. The repair shop (somewhere out west) put new flooring down over the old but didn’t bolt the new aluminum to the frame. When our customer bought the trailer, it was not a visible issue. What should have been a relatively straightforward fix, became very involved and expensive.”
To learn more about Allison Creek Farm & Services, visit their website: www.allisoncreekfarm.com. Also, check out the reviews on their Facebook page.
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