Local youth Emily Coggins started showing American Paint Horses with her father and local trainer, Quinon Coggins, when she was 3 years old. She is active in youth programs in the horse community – from 4-H to AQHA and APHA. Showing horses is more than a hobby for her – it is her passion!
“My first pony was a sorrel Shetland gelding named Flicka! He was the best first pony, and I still have him. I showed him at open shows until I was about six. My heart horse is definitely my awesome paint gelding, Sonnys Last Star (his barn name is Laredo)! He is so smart and kind. He loves to go to the horse shows so much, and he cannot stand it if other horses are being loaded on the horse trailer and he isn’t. He turns 26 this year, but he still has more energy than me! This past year we competed at the American Paint Horse Association Youth World Show in trail and horsemanship and were able to earn 8th in Novice Youth 14-18 Trail and 9th in Novice Youth 14-18 horsemanship! This was an amazing experience. Laredo loves competing, but we also have fun hanging out at home doing things like riding bareback or doing fun things like the time we competed in barrel racing (and won!) at a paint show.”
What do you find valuable about our local horse community?
I have not been involved in our local community much because we travel so much going to shows, so I am excited to be a part of this group and learn more about local events. I have met several horse kids through 4H, which has been a really fun experience where I have learned a lot.
Can you share something you recently learned?
There is a new genetic test for paint horses which determines whether or they carry the genes to produce white offspring.
If your horse could speak, what would you ask them?
I would probably ask him to sing a song! He has a super deep nicker so my mom and I have decided that he would be a very good singer if he could talk.
Both of us have a family legacy of raising and training American Quarter and Paint Horses. In your opinion, what is special about these breeds?
The thing that I love most about quarter/paint horses is that they are very versatile. I love how APHA/AQHA shows offer competition in everything from barrel racing to western pleasure to pleasure driving because I love learning about different disciplines.

My long term goals are to continue competing with Laredo at APHA shows and to become an equine veterinarian. I am considering specializing in equine sports medicine, surgery, or genetics.
If you could train with any person (dead or alive), who would it be?
If I could train with anyone, I would probably choose an Olympic rider.
What is your favorite horse book or movie?
My favorite horse movie is Flicka!
Are there any disciplines that you are curious about exploring (that you are not currently training)?
I would love to try jumping sometime! It looks super fun, and I’ve never tried it before.
If you have an idea of a local horse community member that we should feature, please send us an email to athensareahorsecommunity@gmail.com. We also have opportunities to sponsor AAHC if you want to support what we are doing.
Interview by Amanda McCoy