Now that I am a horse mom, I have an ever growing appreciation for my mom. I feel like I am watching my daughter grow up from her eyes. Every time my daughter insists on riding her pony for “JUST TWO MINUTES MOMMY – PUHLEEZ!” or when she spends a ridiculous amount of time cleaning her pony’s hooves… I see Mom’s love and the passion it takes to care for these magnificent creatures that we partner with. Horses have been a part of my family’s lifestyle for generations on my mother’s side.
My mom has worked tirelessly for decades training horses and training me. Her and my father’s hard work has produced a very successful farm that me and my family are privileged to keep our horses at. Our family farm is a refuge, a bright spot in a dreary and sometimes exhausting world, a safe place to grow and raise a family. I am eternally grateful for the home her and my father have created here. Yes she is difficult at times. We do have varying opinions after all haha and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But her legacy goes beyond the magic she creates for horses and human partnerships. Mom’s legacy is the horse knowledge she passed on to her daughters and granddaughters.
As I was wrote this, it occurred to me that there must be many horse moms in the Athens area who are passing this legacy of love on to their children. So I asked the Facebook group for some of their stories. Here are the photos that were posted in this public group, you’ll have to go to the group to read their heartwarming stories.

The post is still up in the group, the community would love to hear your “horse mom” stories – whether you ARE a horse mom, or are a horse mom, heck, we’d love to hear your adoptive horse-mom stories. Search the Facebook group for #horsemoms or comment here!
Athens (GA) area horse community members – we would LOVE to publish your article or blog post! Send us your ideas or dreams to with the subject header: Everyday Rider.