From the Editor: AAHC continues to grow by leaps and bounds, surprising no one more than me, haha. If you want to be more active in the community, let me know. There is plenty to do and we will find something that suits your personality and interests.
Also, the information listed on our website comes from you and people just like you. If you know an Upcoming Event that needs to be on the calendar – please let us know! Or maybe you found out a new farrier moved to the area and needs to be added to our list of Local Merchants – send us an email! Or if you found a delightful new place to RIDE (that needs added to our interactive map) – DM us on Facebook or even tag us! We rely on people just like you to keep us up to date. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, information, ideas – we want to hear from you.
All that being said, we have been BUSY here at AAHC. There is lots of new information in the newsletter this month.
Corporate Partnerships
A Corporate Partner provides financial support in exchange for some great perks. Your logo will appear on every page and all our promotional material – it is great advertising to align your brand with AAHC. We are providing a real value to the local community – events, places to ride, relevant information that the community can put to use in their everyday lives… We are working to unite and promote the growth of the local community. We are looking for 5 additional local businesses to join us for July – Dec of 2021. If you appreciate what AAHC is doing in the community, and would like to support our cause – send an email to If you have questions about becoming a corporate partner, you can check out THIS PAGE or send us an email.

Current Land Conservation Project – Heritage Park

Updating Heritage Park is the current land conservation project we have going on here at AAHC. We are working on a written proposal and getting in touch with the leaders in the local government. Let us know if you have experience and want to help! We are mostly just country horse people who are trying to figure this out. Good help is welcome.
We created a page that we will update as time goes along. You can find that page HERE. Of course we will continue to post here and on our social media.

Ask a Pro – Tack Cleaning Hacks
Local certified saddle fitter Kim Gates gives us some valuable and relevant tips for caring for your tack – both english and western leather! This is a good read if you have questions about the basics of caring for your leather tack or if you just want to know Kim’s tips and suggestions. Click to read more.
AAHC Events in June
AAHC has two events this month – a Ride a Test with Karen Czarick and a Local Trainer Showcase. As far as events we are doing – we are trying to get some barrel practice runs and trail riding plans in the works as well. Stay tuned (hopefully lol).
Practice more than just geometry at AAHC Dressage Schooling Ride-A-Test Event!
Ride a Test events are a way for horses and riders to experience the pressures and nerves of riding in a dressage arena while being “judged” in a friendly, supportive environment.Riders choose a dressage test, ride it, get feedback and training tips from Karen Czarick, and then ride it again. The tests can be through USEF Training level or through USDF 2nd level. Karen Czarick is an active rider and trainer of the local horse community for almost 40 years. She has graciously judged both of our AAHC Jumper Schooling Shows, and is a wealth of knowledge for all phases.
Cost: $60
Time of ride: scheduled, 30-40min
Spectators are welcome- no cost!
Limited slots available- email at to sign up or with questions!
Facebook Event Link:

Volunteer Opportunities
Follow this link to connect with local non-profits, shows, and intern opportunities.

Click to check out our map of local riding venues – from trails to covered arenas. Oh, and adding your venue is easy with Google Maps.

Local Merchants
We have compiled a list of local businesses to help you find the help you need in Athens.

Our community by the numbers
AAHC Facebook Page followers
AAHC Facebook active group members
Unique visitors to the website in
Local events listed on the June calendar.
I cannot ride either of my horses right now so I am keeping busy on the computer. ‘Lypso and Chocky are both gonna be okay – Calypso is recovering from some thrush that was hidden away in her hoof and Chocolat got kicked in the pasture. Luckily I have this website and Allison Creek to keep me busy so I am not worrying obsessively over them. (It is so easy to do, isn’t it?)
See you at the barn! Amanda