Horse Wise – How Do I Know If My Horse Is In Pain?
Most of us want to nurture a partnership with our horses. We want them to be pain free and willing partners. Click to learn more about your horse.
Founder and CEO of Athens Area Horse Community My herd: Humans - Brett and Amelia Equines - Chocky and Calypso Canines - Dobby and Winky
Most of us want to nurture a partnership with our horses. We want them to be pain free and willing partners. Click to learn more about your horse.
Planting native grass species provides undeniable benefits to your horses and the local ecosystem Click to how/why and find local resources.
Today we talk about Red Mare’s Break Free coaching program, Hidden Hazards in Your Barn, Working Eq, and tips for keeping your horse cool.
Local tack repair pro Susan Akins answers the question: “How should I take care of my tack?” The answer is really simple and true for both english and western tack. Visit our site to learn more.
A winter annual, burrweed sprouts in December or so and sets an extremely spiney and painful seed in early spring. Click to learn how to identify and manage Burrweed.
This November marked 11 years since I got the wild hair to start the AAHC Facebook page. No one is more surprised than me how much AAHC has changed in the last year – a testament to our wonderful team and support system. We have a lot to cover in this newsletter so grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a little while – lots of fantastic news.
Now that I am a horse mom, I have an ever growing appreciation for my mom. I feel like I am watching my daughter grow up from her eyes. Every time my daughter insists on riding her pony for “JUST TWO MINUTES MOMMY – PUHLEEZ!”… Read More »We Love Our Horse Moms
Ask A Pro: Stacey McCoy “How do I teach my dog barn and trail manners so we can enjoy being outside together? Last year Stacey McCoy got a German Shepard puppy and I was impressed with how quickly the dog developed manners and horse smarts.” For… Read More »Taking Your Dog to The Barn
Whether you are new to hauling horses or a seasoned hauler, this Horse Trailer Safety Seminar is a fantastic learning opportunity. You may learn a ton or you may only learn on new thing but it will all help you keep you and your horse… Read More »Horse Trailer Safety Seminar