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Carroll Hay Farms

Listing Category

Rutledge - Mike Carroll

Bermuda, Fescue, Rye - locally grown.

Western alfalfa, Western/Northern Timothy and Orchardgrass - imported.

Blends and mixes.

Delivery available.

Rutledge, GA

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2 thoughts on “Carroll Hay Farms”

  1. I am in the market for straight Timothy or a mix with orchard. My “new” mare cannot tolerate the coastal I’ve used to years and UGA recommends Timothy or mix. Alfalfa mix is second choice, and third choice is perennial peanut. What options do I have in South Georgia? I’m thinking about 125-150 bales would last a year. We generally have good grazing in the summer months. Thank you for your time.

    1. Hi Teresa! This is a business directory listing and the business staff may not see your comment. Have you tried calling the number in the listing?

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