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February 2022 Newsletter

This month we focus on saving land for horses, but we also cover upcoming events, weed control, leather care, an editorial about the Rivian plant, and more.

Locals who can help with loose horses

The community compiled this list for our neighbors who don’t know anything about horses and county law enforcement to reference when local equines escape their fences and their owners can not be immediately located

December 2021 Newsletter

This November marked 11 years since I got the wild hair to start the AAHC Facebook page. No one is more surprised than me how much AAHC has changed in the last year – a testament to our wonderful team and support system. We have a lot to cover in this newsletter so grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a little while – lots of fantastic news.

Butterfly Dreams Farm Therapeutic Riding Program

Speech pathologist, foster mother, and life-long equestrian Cat Thompson established Butterfly Dreams Farm Therapeutic Riding Program with co-founder Tracy Mosher in 2005 after seeing the powerful way horses impacted a special child in her life. Click to read more about this wonderful program.

Ask a Pro – Nutrition and Hooves

This month our Ask-A-Pro submission was about healthy hooves and nutrition. So we turned to Cathy Micali at Athens Equus. Click to read about using nutrition to improve your horse’s hooves.