Benefits of Horseback Riding for Kids
Horseback riding is beneficial for people of all ages but can especially improve children’s motor skills and confidence as well as communication and leadership skills.
Horseback riding is beneficial for people of all ages but can especially improve children’s motor skills and confidence as well as communication and leadership skills.
The United States Pony Club is an educational organization for horse crazy kids and adults to learn about horses. The national component of the organization standardizes curriculum, organizes national and international events, and provides some continuity between regions and clubs. The educational curriculum is one… Read More »Hilltoppers Pony Club
Looking forward to hosting a few rides this year! Currently we have confirmed the date and location for one ride: 9/11/21 at Allison Creek Farm. We are still working out details, but have the date and location so put it on your calendar! A portion… Read More »2021 Hunter Paces and Poker Rides
We are excited to help bring Richard Lamb to the Athens area for a Riding In Balance Clinic! He will be here for the Hilltoppers Pony Club February meeting, and is available for additional lessons for both Hilltoppers club members and all interested riders in… Read More »Richard Lamb Clinic – Feb 13/14